Contact Us.
To find us by road, simply take the Vasse Highway and drive 3.7km where the entrance to the airport can be found on the left. Our large clubhouse is easily spotted just to the left of the three hanger blocks.
Plentiful car parking space is available adjacent to the clubhouse.
0466 711 400
Busselton Regional Airport
Clubhouse - next to 3 Green Hangers
If you are flying in, you will find full details of the airport in ERSA, but in summary:
Latitude: 33° 41’ 30″ South
Longitude: 115° 23’ 30″ East
Runways: 03/21, 2460m bitumen
CTAF: 127.00
AWIS: 128.05 (or phone 08 9754 2487)
LIRL & PAPI: 119.6
ASICs Required: Yes
Landing Fee: Yes