News & Events

Busselton Fly In and Family Day

The Busselton Aeroclub Open Day welcomes all aviation enthusiasts to enjoy our annual event on the 12th April 2025.

Tickets can be purchased at: OzTix

Car parking is as per the attached diagram and will be well signed on the day with parking attendants on site.

After parking, a short walk to Busselton Aero Club where your tickets will be checked or purchase at the gate. Kids are free, Adults $23.50

RAAF jet aircraft will be on display along with Police and RFDS air wing assets. Westpac rescue helicopter and up to 100 light aircraft from all over the state.

Food vans and a sausage sizzle available for purchase throughout the day.

This will be a fantastic day out, so come along and support the Busselton Aero Club.

We'll see you there!

New Engine for Tecnam

The Busselton Aero Club recently installed a new engine in their Tecnam training plane, with assistance from the City of Busselton through the Community Funding Program 2024/25.

This new engine will allow recreational flight training to continue at Busselton Margaret River Regional Airport through the Aero Club, providing an important recreational activity to the Residents of Busselton and tourists to the area.

The Community Funding Program provided financial support to the project of replacing the old engine which was required under the Legislation for training aircraft, and the Club wishes to acknowledge the support of the City of Busselton in this important project.

Training for Recreational Flying is available at all persons over the age of 14, and inquiries and bookings can be made through the website; or by phoning the Chief Flight Instructor on 0466 711400.

Pictured are the new Rotax engine fitted into the Tecnam Sierra training aircraft, with aeroclub Chief Flying Instructor Mauro Spingola and student Mitch Jarvis

Wagin Fly In & BBQ

Date: Sunday 22 September 2024

Time: 10.00h -14.00h

Where: Wagin Airport

Albany Aero Club and Wagin Aero Club would like to invite you to WAGIN FLY IN & BBQ

$10 - Tea & coffee on arrival followed by a BBQ (sausage sizzle and soft drink)

All welcome, Fly in or Drive in.

*Subject to weather*

Please RSVP: Danica Wiggins on 0488 381 603

Busselton Aeroclub Safety and Information Night

Date: Friday 4 October 2024

Time: 17.30h -20.00h

Where: Busselton Aeroclub

The Busselton Aeroclub has put together a safety and information night as part of our ongoing commitment to safety and communication with our members.

Our guest speaker address for the evening will be from a Perth Air Traffic Control officer to discuss general radio telephony procedures and procedures of class D airspace and a discussion on restricted areas SW of Perth.

Additionally we will hear from a representative of the RAAF No2 Flight Training School, The City of Busselton in relation to their vision and plans for Busselton Airport, and to conclude, our president will discuss and share our ongoing vision for the club.

BBQ dinner will be provided, and we encourage all members along with all aviators in the SW to join this informative evening.

Please RSVP to by 30 September

Bunbury Flying School Pilot Open Day

Date: Sunday 20 October 2024

Time: 10.00h - 14.00h

Where: Bunbury Flying School

Bunbury Flying School invites all Aviation enthusiasts with an interest in becoming a Commercial Pilot to join us for our Annual Pilot Open Day.

Considering a Career in Aviation? Check in and Check out the World of Aviation at Bunbury Flying School's Pilot Open Day 2024!

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- Explore our School and discover the range of equipment and facilities on offer

- Get up close and personal with our fleet including our Cessna 206

- Meet our Instructors & Student Pilots and find out how you can start your Aviation Journey

- Take a seat in one of our Commercial Pilot Career information sessions


- Take part Pre-Flight Check Experience

- Take Flight in our Simulator

- Book a Trial Introductory Flight and Learn to Fly


- Enjoy our All Day BBQ, come hungry and ready to chat all things Aviation!

๐™€๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ ๐™๐™ฎ๐™ฅ๐™š - Education, Career, Family Friendly and All ages welcome

๐™‹๐™ง๐™ž๐™˜๐™š โ€“ Free

Kirstie Pallier Kirstie Pallier

Wings Night โ€“ 30th October 2021

Forty members and guests attended our Wings Night 2021 at the Shelter last Saturday 30th October.

We celebrated the milestones achieved by many of our members in their flying training pursuits, from First Solo to Instructor levels. Congratulations to all.

Our Chief Flying Instructor was the MC and guest speaker was Des Hales, who provided an overview of his career as a RAAF pilot including impressive videos of some of his flying as part of the Roulettes flying team.

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Kirstie Pallier Kirstie Pallier

Calendar of Events


11 May 2023                       Committee Meeting    5.00PM

8 June 2023                         Committee Meeting    5.00PM

13 July 2023                        Committee Meeting    5.00PM

13 July 2023                       General Meeting        6.30PM

28 July 2023                       Wings Dinner     (details TBA)

10 August 2023                  Committee Meeting    5.00PM

27 August 2023                 AGM

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Kirstie Pallier Kirstie Pallier

2022 AGM โ€“ 28th August 2022

The 2022 Annual General Meeting was held at the Clubhouse on Sunday 28th August.

The retiring President, John Brisco, presented his report on the annual activities and achievements, which included: a Wings Dinner encompassing the piloting achievements occurring during and since COVID; the RAAF Centenary air display and function, including the bestowing of membership of the 79th Squadron to the Club; progress on finding a permanent home for the Wright Flyer replica built by Club members; and importantly, the success in achieving a 5 year extension to the lease for the Clubhouse.

The current status of plans and negotiations relating to the future home for the Club in the proposed GA precinct were also presented by Zeb Packard-Hair.

The Treasurer, Greg Miller ran through the incomes, expenses and overall financial status of the Club. Of particular note was the dependency of the Clubโ€™s finances on the flying hours achieved. Comparison with the previous year showed reduced flying hours due to the higher prevalence of bad weather and illnesses. Despite the difficulties the Club made an operating profit of over $20,000. The budget for the 2022-23 financial year was presented. The correlation between the flying hours of the Clubโ€™s aircraft and its financial status was reinforced by all the speakers, urging members to make more use of the Tecnam.

The CFI report was presented by Mike Jordaan, as Peter Hales was not able to attend. He reported on the Audit conducted by RAAus, which we passed successfully with some minor administrative tasks to be fine tuned. Overall flying hours (training, private hire and maintenance) and achievements made by students during the year were presented.

Voting for the Committee positions followed and resulted in the following:

President โ€“ Zebedee (Zeb) Packard-Hair

Vice President โ€“ Edgar Olyerhoek

Treasurer โ€“ Greg Miller

Secretary โ€“ Stephen (Steve) Pupilli

General Committee Members โ€“ John Brisco (retiring President), Gary Visser, Mike Jordaan, Max Meuller,

The proposal to increase the cost of memberships was approved as proposed ($100 for ordinary members, $25 for spouse or partners, and $25 for Junior members (under 15 years old.

The meeting was adjourned to nibbles and catch-ups at 3:00pm.

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